Local recommendations (Gastro-intestinal)

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Chronic bowel disorders

Recommendation Approval date Review date
St Marks formula electrolyte solution (updated) February 2018 February 2022
PR2019-07 EKPG Recommendation Probiotics for adults with lactose intolerance IBS and IBD April 2019 April 2022
PR 2022-25: Dual biological therapy for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in adults September 2022 September 2024
PR 2024-10 Dose escalation of subcutaneous infliximab for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) June 2024 June 2026


Recommendation Approval date Review date
Naloxegol -EKPG Recommendation Oct 2015 April 2021
Lubiprostone Prescribing Guidelines - EKPG Sept 2014 April 2021
Place of Linaclotide in NICE IBS pathway October 2020 October 2021
020.20 PR 2019-16 Linaclotide for irritable bowl syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) in adults July 2019 July 2020


Recommendation Approval date Review date
EKPG Recommendation - Diarrhoea Assessment and Management in Adults April 2016 April 2019

Disorders of gastric acid and ulceration

Recommendation Approval date Review date
Hypomagnesaemia in Adults – Primary Care Guide August 2023 August 2025
Omeprazole Oral suspension for Paediatrics in Primary Care Position Statement December 2023 December 2025
Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Oral suspension for Adults Primary Care Position Statement December 2023 December 2025

GI Smooth Muscle Spasm

Recommendation Approval date Review date
Gastro-intestinal (GI) Anti-spasmodics – Dicycloverine and Propantheline prescribing not supported October 2023 October 2025

Liver disorders and related conditions

Recommendation Approval date Review date
Rifaximin GP summary, EKPG recommendation January 2016 April 2021
Rifixamin pathway v1.3 EKPG recommendation April 2019 April 2022

Rectal and anal disorders

Recommendation Approval date Review date
EKPG Pathway for the management of Anal Fissures in primary care June 2017 June 2020
EKPG Recommendation, Botulinum Toxin for chronic anal fissures May 2016 April 2021

Ventral hernias

Recommendation Approval date Review date
PRGC PR 2022-15 BTX for ventral hernia June 2022 June 2024