Drug Status Key


  • First Line
  • Second Line
  • Third Line
  • No Preference Topical corticosteroids

Expand All / Expand All (incl. cost)

Pack Price
15 gram
50 gram £18.43
Pack Price
50 gram
Pack Price
100 gram £6.10
15 gram
30 gram £2.62
Pack Price
100 gram £5.33
30 gram £1.60
Pack Price
100 gram £3.15
Pack Price
100 gram £3.15
Pack Price
100 gram £6.12
30 gram £2.16
Pack Price
100 gram £6.12
30 gram £2.16
Pack Price
100 gram
Pack Price
100 ml £4.99
Pack Price
100 ml £3.94

Please note: There should be a break of 4 weeks between courses of treatment with potent/very potent corticosteroids, with non-steroid-based treatments such as vitamin D, vitamin D analogues or coal tar used in the intervening period. Rationale-continuous use of potent or very potent corticosteroids (such as betamethasone dipropionate) may cause irreversible skin atrophy and striae, unstable psoriasis and systemic side effects when applied to extensive psoriasis.

Pack Price
120 gram
30 gram
60 gram £18.53
Pack Price
120 gram (2 x 60g bottles) £69.11
60 gram £37.21
Pack Price
120 gram £73.86
30 gram £19.84
60 gram £39.68
Pack Price
120 gram (2 x 60g) £79.36
60 gram £39.68
Pack Price
100 gram £7.90
30 gram £2.69
Pack Price
100 gram £7.90
30 gram £2.69
Pack Price
100 ml £10.42
30 ml £3.07
Pack Price
100 gram £5.44
30 gram £1.86
Pack Price
100 gram £5.44
30 gram £1.86
Pack Price
30 gram £3.98
Pack Price
30 gram £4.95
Pack Price
30 gram £3.98
Pack Price
15 gram £4.70
Pack Price
15 gram £4.70

For over granulation enteral feeding sites, etc.

Pack Price
60 gram £12.49
Pack Price
20 cm £21.75
200 cm
40 cm
50 cm £32.52
80 cm
Pack Price
100 gram £13.15
25 gram £3.50
Pack Price
100 gram £13.34
25 gram £3.96
Pack Price
100 gram £11.75
30 gram £4.14
Pack Price
30 gram £5.56
60 gram £10.02
Pack Price
100 gram £11.75
30 gram £4.14
Pack Price
50 gram £4.84
Pack Price
50 gram £4.84
Pack Price
100 gram £4.93
30 gram £1.60
Pack Price
100 gram £4.93
30 gram £1.60
Pack Price
100 gram £5.91
Pack Price
100 ml £6.83
Pack Price
15 gram
30 gram
Pack Price
15 gram £52.55
30 gram
Pack Price
10 gram
15 gram £2.47
30 gram £4.83
50 gram £7.44
Pack Price
15 gram £2.37
30 gram £5.16
50 gram £8.69
Pack Price
15 gram £87.45
30 gram
Pack Price
15 gram £47.52
30 gram
Pack Price
100 gram £11.87
30 gram £3.56
Pack Price
100 gram £10.97
15 gram
30 gram £3.29
50 gram
Pack Price
30 ml £4.36