Drug Status Key


  • First Line
  • Second Line
  • Third Line
  • No Preference Beta-adrenoceptor blockers

Expand All / Expand All (incl. cost)

Pack Price
28 tablet £0.78
56 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £0.81
Pack Price
14 tablet
28 tablet £0.80

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present. Tablets can be crushed- ask your Medicine Management team for information.

Pack Price
1 ml

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present. Tablets can be crushed- ask your Medicine Management team for information.

Pack Price
100 ml
300 ml £10.27

Prescribing as separate medicines is more cost effective

Pack Price
28 capsule
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.69
30 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.88
30 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.78
30 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.69
56 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £0.82
30 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.71
Pack Price
28 tablet £0.88
Pack Price
28 tablet £1.63
Pack Price
28 tablet £1.45
Pack Price
28 tablet £1.26
30 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £17.28
30 tablet
60 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £29.27
Pack Price
28 tablet £1.42
Pack Price
28 tablet £0.97
Pack Price
250 tablet
56 tablet £4.45
Pack Price
250 tablet
56 tablet £8.94
Pack Price
250 tablet
56 tablet £21.12
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £3.37
56 tablet
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £2.59
56 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet
30 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £1.47
30 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £10.18
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.69
Pack Price
100 tablet
28 tablet £0.69
Pack Price
28 capsule £4.95
Pack Price
28 tablet
56 tablet £1.30
60 tablet
Pack Price
100 capsule
28 capsule £4.88
56 capsule
Pack Price
28 tablet
56 tablet £5.87

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present

Pack Price
150 ml £26.49

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present

Pack Price
150 ml £32.64

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present

Pack Price
150 ml £43.53

Reserved for use only where swallowing difficulties are present

Pack Price
150 ml £47.64
Pack Price
30 tablet £44.05
Pack Price
84 capsule
Pack Price
56 capsule
Pack Price
28 tablet £18.62
30 tablet
Pack Price
28 tablet £19.45